Los tratamientos de quelación
Your actual chelation treatment will be based on the customized plan your provider(s) will formulate. It will be delivered to you as a series of IV infusions administered at your ChelationDoctors.com Affiliate Center (or another pre-agreed option). Those centers will have established pricing, policies, and procedures that will usually be in line with national pricing averages for chelation therapy. The pricing range, depending on your geographic region, may vary, but you may expect somewhere in the $150–220 per infusion ballpark. Treatment series may range from just a few to up to 40 infusions. Also, some plans may call for the addition of oral chelators, e.g., DMSO, and oral or rectal EDTA. Some clinics will provide deep discounts for prepaid packages, but there may be penalties and/or non-refund policies in some cases. Your selected treatment center will be the best point of contact for pricing specifics.
Durante la terapia de quelación, también necesitará tomar suplementos y otros productos de apoyo nutricional para reemplazar los minerales que pueden perderse durante la terapia de quelación. Nuestro asesor nutricional, médico naturópata, participará y apoyará en este proceso.
Nuestro buque insignia actual ChelationDoctors.com El suplemento mineral quelado es:
Renovación del Dr. Bernie: $59.00/120 tabs